Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010 Loc Treatment

May 3, 2010 Hair Treatment

I shampooed my hair with Neutralizing shampoo 2 times, then shampooed with Jamaican Mango and Lime Tingle Shampoo.
Here is a picture of the shampoos used in this treatment:

I rinsed my hair with an ACV rinse; 1/2 cup of ACV 2 cups of water (poured through my locs twice)
Apple Cider Vinegar:

I then applied a mix of oils as a hot oil treatment: rosemary, coconut, eucalyptus, and pure olive oil. Heated for 15 seconds in the microwave then applied to my locs for about an hour under a conditioning cap.

Once I rinsed out the oil treatment, I then shampooed with BioInfusion Olive Oil Conitioning Shampoo. (see shampoo pic above)

I applied Jamaican Mango and Lime Cactus Oil Serum to my scalp. Then I twisted my new growth with Jamaican Mango and Lime Resistant formula Locking Gel and not the locking wax because I decided to curl my locs with foam rollers.

Stay tuned for pics of my May Curls :)

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